Sunday, January 31, 2016

It's all about me.

I'm selfish.

 This is one of the main things I've really noticed about myself these past three weeks. I mean, I've always known that I'm a sinful being and thus, naturally selfish but I had kind of accepted that and ignored how much that fact is infused into every single part of my life. As I learn more and more about what it means to be selfless, I see how much I really think it should be all about me.

I sit in training and hear stories of past immersion participants who have had to help slaughter goats, carry heavy water buckets on their heads in the intense heat for miles, and eat meat off of some kind of skull by picking it out with a little fork. And my thoughts are, "WHAT?! No, no, no. No thank you,God. None of that seems all that pleasant to me and while I'm here ready to serve these next few months, I think I could be better used in other areas where I'm not expected to do hard labor and consume things that make me want to puke."

Then I'm informed that many girls come back actually gaining weight from this trip as their diet in Africa consists only of protein and carbs. "I did not sign up to gain weight on this. I'd really rather not come back in the height of swimsuit season heavier than I was."

Then we arrive the first night in New York and I see the classroom we're sleeping in for two weeks. On a mat. On the floor. With about 10 other girls. With a security light that NEVER goes off. "Neat."

One day at my service site, we're asked to shovel the entire morning. And my first thoughts when I hear this? "I hate shoveling. This sucks. I hope it goes fast."

As I become more aware of these selfish thoughts and desires creeping into my mind constantly, I notice my first thought waking up almost instantly is that I want to sleep longer. Getting on the subway and with an hour commute to Brooklyn, I groan in my mind about how long it is or how uncomfortable I am being squished between two strangers.

I sound like quite the princess after reading all of this outloud so its kind of embarrassing to post. Some of you may be thinking I'll never make it in Africa. But here's why I'm sharing this:

Even in the midst of my selfishness and complaints, even when I'm doing things for the wrong intentions, even when God has prepared something incredible for me and I think I know best and tell him, "uh, no thanks God, surely there's something better I could do," HE STILL LOVES ME.

If I were Him, I would have dropped me a long time ago. I would have told me to shut up and stop complaining because being God, I obviously know what's best. But He doesnt. In fact, instead he showers me with more blessings than I could ever imagine, even though there is no way I even slightly deserve them.

Though after reading the top of this, it doesnt aound like it, these past three weeks have been an amazing start to my six month journey. God has humbled me and shown me over and over that He's got this. He's ALWAYS going to provide and He's NEVER going to leave me hanging.

On day two of my week of training in Indiana, God showed me that He already had friends picked out for me that were going to come alongside me in this adventure and support me in every way. It was amazing how quickly our team clicked and bonded. It's obvious that these relationships could only be formed this quickly, this strongly, by God himself.  My teammates are genuine and caring, examples of Christ's love in everyday life. They're also hilarious and fun to be around, making me laugh and providing me with joy even in the most exhausting and annoying of times.

God gave me an amazing place to serve these past two weeks, the Salvation Army in Bay Ridge in Brooklyn. This church is doing an unbelievably awesome job at seeing their community as a mission field and reaching out in love to all that need it. We were able to help them clean and organize their huge food pantry, do some cleaning, shoveling, organizing their basement, and helping with the kids at the after school program. The staff were welcoming and kind, going above and beyond to make us feel loved on and appreciated. They spoiled us with pizza, donuts, cookies, tours around the neighborhood, and a trip to Cony Island. It meant so much for them to go out of their way and serve us which taught me a lot. I pray that we can carry that on and impact those we meet everywhere we go.

In the past, I have decided to be selfless only to the point that I wanted to be. But God isn't content with just getting part of me. He wants all of me. We're not called to live a life where we get to decide on the limits of how much we love or serve someone. And while that really doesn't sound like all that much fun, the beginning of this trip is proof that when you do your best to give Him everything, (even when you fail) He gives far more than you can even imagine.

He gave me a new family I get to spend this next half of a year with while away from those I love the most. He's shown me He's working all over the place through different people and in ways I've never thought of. He brought together people from all different walks of life to worship together and praise His name. He's teaching me what it means to die to myself and become more of the person he wants me to be. And! He let me explore New York, a city I've always wanted to visit.

As we get ready to leave tomorrow, I'm just thankful for these past two weeks in Harlem, to learn, love, and build relationships even when I don't deserve it, turning my selfish moments into some that I'm most thankful for. Though I started this journey three weeks ago with an anxious, nervous, and sad heart, God replaced it with a joyful excitement of what's to come these next few months.

He must become greater, I must become less. John 3:30

Sunday, January 10, 2016

12 Hours Till Go Time!

The main questions I've received the past few weeks...

"Are you ready for your trip?!"

"You're all packed?"
   -"Not even close." (That is, until 8:00pm the night before)

"Are you so excited?!"
    -"Ehh...Not exactly."

"Are you nervous?"

I'm going to Africa. For SIX MONTHS. I can repeat this as many times as I want but no matter how many times I do it, I still can't believe it. It still doesn't feel real. It's the night before but I still don't feel ready and I don't think I ever really will. This is just one of those things where I have to jump in head first, relying on God to catch me.

I'm sure when people ask me the above questions, they are expecting a huge smile to cover my face and for me to enthusiastically answer all of the questions right away.  They probably expect me to give an eager countdown until the day I leave or to talk about how I've been so excited that I started packing months ago. But if I'm going to be honest, I feel far from those things. The past few days have been filled with a HUGE array of emotions, happy to be with family, thankfully aware of each little moment with them, stressed that I won't finish everything in time or that I'll forget something, upset with each and every goodbye, terrified that things won't go the way I hope, doubtful that I'm doing the right thing, and nervous of all of the unknown.

The things that are causing me the most anxiety are the time, distance, and lack of communication. I have never been that far from home for this long with such an unsure mode of communication. The past few days have been hard saying goodbye to the people that I love the most and there have been several times that I have wanted to throw in the towel and give up because it's too hard.

BUT, I know that part of God's plan includes me going on this trip. My emotions change as my circumstances change, but God NEVER changes. He is the only constant I have and I can have faith in His plan. In each and every adventure that He's taken me on, He has held my hand the whole way through and never let me fall. He's pushed me a little bit further each and every time and has been preparing me for this. Once again, He's asking me to trust Him and lean into Him with all that I have which is what this trip will force me to do. God tells us over and over in the Bible to not be afraid. I believe that if fear is the ONLY thing keeping you back from doing something, it's not a good enough reason. The experiences that I've had that were the ones I was most nervous for were also the most life-changing ones, the times when I felt closest to God, when I most clearly saw Him at work, or when He grew me the most as a person.

Does this mean I feel totally confident going into this? No. But it does mean that I can cling to His promises  throughout this experience regardless of my feelings. Throughout this whole process leading up to this trip, everything fell perfectly into place. The bulk of my trip was paid for from the beginning through a surprise circumstance. Then in the months between returning from Guatemala and leaving for this trip, I was offered a long-term substitute position for that exact amount of time. When I realized I needed more money for a plane ticket and equipment, I sold the exact amount of shirts that I needed to cover the costs plus extra. The total of this trip was over $10,000 and God completely provided me with that and more. It's like He's saying, "Jackie, I've got you. I'm taking care of every little thing. And you still don't trust me after that?! Here's even some more to prove to you that I have it covered and you don't need to do anything but show up." After saying this, I amaze myself with how dumb I can be, still wondering if this is what I'm supposed to be doing. But even then, He starts sending me love and encouragement through the amazing people in my life in the form of tons of text messages, calls, notes, and prayers. He knows exactly what I need when I need it and always provides. Why would it be any different in another continent? There is no way I shouldn't be confident in Him.

God is incredible and following Him is an adventure. Never would I have imagined myself heading to Africa after college but here I am. Yes, I'm still scared and yes, I'm going to miss home and all of the amazing people in it, but I'm clinging to His hand as tightly as I can, anxiously awaiting what it is that He wants to show me.