Monday, August 17, 2015

Jesus in Disguise

“Each one of them was Jesus in Disguise.” –Mother Teresa

I was blessed to be able to spend a week with Divine Shepherd once again in the village of La Avenzada. The week was incredible, mostly because it was so easy to see God everywhere. During the week we were able to go on some house visits, host a chicken soup lunch for the community, spend lots of time hanging out with the people in the community and playing with kids, had bible studies, built relationships with the youth and at the end of the week got to take them on an overnight retreat.  

 Last summer, the village leaders met with Divine Shepherd to request that they start up some kind of youth program. It was very evident that God was behind this because the door to mentor these youth and build them up to be strong leaders in the faith was opened wide for us. All we had to do was agree to walk through it. Because of that meeting, a youth group was assembled, leaders for the group with found, and since then they have been meeting together every Monday since February for a bible study. 

A few weeks ago, Cassie and I traveled up to La Union to visit Beth and Cheyenne, two other interns that have been staying up there all summer. During this visit we got to go to one of these bible studies. Beth had been working with the girls all summer, yet they were still pretty reserved and she struggled with getting them to answer questions or respond at all. However, at this particular study she decided to read them a devotional after finishing their usual study. We watched as the girls listened intently, glued to every word she was reading. These girls don’t have access to devotionals and are just learning some of the foundations of our faith. After leaving, Cassie and I talked about how difficult it must be for them to personally grow in their faith being in a community without many Christian leaders. It’s so important that they not only learn the foundations of their faith but also know that there is so much more that being a Christian has to offer. Knowing how much Jesus is completely in love with you and that we have access to a personal relationship with Him and then experiencing that is life-changing. After witnessing this, God gave us the idea to get some kind of daily devotionals for these girls so that they would be able to use them at home individually and then also talk about them and grow together as a group. We thought these might be able to serve as guides for them as just opening the bible and reading it can be very intimidating for new Christians. God provided and we were able to get a book for each of them sent to Sean to bring down just in time before he left. 

Each night in La Avenzada, we met with the youth where we would play silly games, sing, pray, get to know each other, and spend some time in the word learning together. One night all of us girls got to make chocolate chip cookies (homemade cho chip cookies aren’t a thing here) together and then have a bible study afterwards. At this bible study, we talked about the importance of spending time daily in the word and with God. We got to present them each with their new book and do the daily devotional together so they understood what it was and how to use it. When the bible study was over, I walked away for a minute and returned to find the girls sitting there reading their books and already writing notes in them. 
The girls in the youth group with their new devos

As we spent more time together, we opened up with one another and as each day passed, the girls seemed to get more and more comfortable with us. On Friday we all left for Mariscos where we stayed at a retreat center, similar to a camp for a night. In the afternoon, we got to go to the lake with all the youth. For many, this was their first time at a lake or even swimming. They were hesitant at first, some refusing to let go of the stair railing but by the end, they were jumping off the dock, squealing with laughter and having us wait a few feet away from there as they practiced swimming to us underwater. Glancing around the lake, I felt surrounded by joy as I saw people that couldn’t speak the same language, laughing hysterically together, splashing each other, and swimming together. 

Swimming with the girls in the lake in Mariscos

During the retreat, we got to eat delicious food, play lots of fun games and icebreakers, have a worship service, and have sessions where we focused on some topics more in-depth. As the week and retreat progressed, the girls began answering more questions, volunteering to read to the group, even offering to pray for the group, something they would have NEVER considered doing a few months, even weeks earlier. God used us to encourage these individuals in their faith, to build them up, to counsel them, to be role models in the faith. We are nothing near what strong Christian role models should be, we mess up daily, and we don’t practice what we preach. We are from thousands of miles away and we don’t even understand each other when we talk. But he STILL uses our imperfect selves. He has been doing this since the beginning, David was an adulterous, Moses was a murder, Paul made it his goal to get rid of all Christians. But God still made examples of these people. The same God who used unworthy people is STILL doing that with us which makes His power even more apparent. The growth in these youth was awesome to see and we learned a lot from them as well. 

Saturday came quickly and soon enough it was time to say goodbye to our new friends. As I’ve talked about in previous posts, these relationships founded around Christ are inexplicable, unique bonds that hard to understand for those that haven’t had a similar experience. Our group made a line leading to their bus and as their group loaded onto the bus, they went down the line so that we could all get a chance to tell everyone goodbye. Being towards the end of the line I was able to watch as faces turned from smiles to tears once hugs and goodbyes were exchanged. It was like a chain reaction as the difficulty of goodbyes spread down the line from both us and them. It was obvious that God used us to impact each other’s lives in some way or another. It may have been different for every person but He worked through those relationships and somehow everyone involved learned something or was able to take something from this experience. 
Everybody that attended the youth retreat

My new friends in the youth group

As Christians we are always saying “I saw God in you,” “God is working through you,” “He is in us” blah, blah, blah. And while those are worthwhile things to say, I think often times we are saying that without really thinking about what that even means. It’s not some insignificant thing we should be taking for granted. It’s not something we could be casually brushing off or saying just as a means to complement someone. GOD IS ACTUALLY IN US. He sent His spirit to dwell IN US, to help up love and serve in ways we never could otherwise. If you take a moment to take a step back and really think about it, that’s crazy. The God who made the universe decides to chill in us and make himself apparent to us through ordinary people around us. We don’t see Him face to face yet but He gives us each other at the right times just when we need it. 

It’s amazing what happens when you are all united for the sole purpose of loving God and loving others together. Though we didn’t do it perfectly all of the time, the team I worked on this week was really special. Mainly because I was blessed to have the chance to see them do things and then be like, “Whoa, thank you God for being there for me through them.” I was able to feel his presence and receive the comfort, love, or support I needed through those around me. 

There were so many times everyone should have been crabby through being exhausted and weary from going all day, hiking all the way up and down the mountain, sleeping in tents, going days without showering, or not having any time to themselves. But instead of being short with each other, God was there being cheerful, laughing off the circumstances, and offering to help do undesirable chores. When I was upset, God was there to listen to my problems. When we were stranded late at night in a boat with no lights in the middle of the lake, God was there to point out the beautiful stars or to keep the conversation going to help people calm. When we had awkward encounters with the youth because we ran out of things to say, God came up with an activity to do or a handclap game to bring everyone together. God was in the eyes of a yearning child as they came up asking me for the kids bible and sat with me for an hour asking for story after story. When there were children that needed some extra attention, I watched God scoop them up in His arms, throw them in the air over and over even when exhausted, play tag for way longer than anyone wants to, or tickle them until they overflowed with giggles. I saw God as he spoke words of truth to the youth. God was there when I observed the youth answering questions with words of wisdom or exhibiting leadership qualities. God helped to lead us through the steep, jungle, muddy mountain paths so that we knew where to go. When we were on house visits, I watched as God prayed for His people, that they may know Him better. 

Though I didn’t get to see God face to face, I was given glimpses of Him all over the place through those surrounding me. He was in all forms, in the joyful, welcoming people of the village, in the faces of the innocent, trusting children, in the shape of my teammates as they did their best to love in the way He did. God is everywhere all of time but it can be easy to miss when He’s in the form of these seemingly small moments and people. Yet, if your eyes are opened to all of that around you, you see that those moments really aren’t that subtle at all but that instead the one who holds everything in His hands is standing right in front of you.

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us. 1 John 4:12

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

God is love. When we take up permanent residence in a life of love, we live in God and God lives in us. 1 John 4:17
The awesome team that God assembled for this week

Loved having this little guy attached to my hip all week

Chicken soup lunch for the whole community'

Monday, August 3, 2015

Reunited and it Feels so Good!

I’d been looking forward to this week since the day I got here because we were going to get to go with a group to the village of La Fragua where my church works twice a year. La Fragua is one of my all-time favorite places mostly because it’s full of some of my all-time favorite people. Every time I spend some time there, I end up leaving in a way better mood than when I first arrived. The people there are so full of joy and love that it just bubbles over onto me and leaves me feeling uplifted and cheerful. God knew exactly what He was doing when He planned out my summer. He knew to schedule this week in the perfect time just when I was really in need of some encouragement.

The reoccurring theme that God kept showing me throughout this entire week was the incredible power of relationships that He orchestrates. Over and over He brought up instances in which I was left standing amazed by the strength of the friendships formed here regardless of the small amount of time together, the fact we don’t speak the same language, and the thousands of miles that separate us. The odds seem all against us when we dwell on those factors and the fact that groups only come from a week at a time. It seems as though these is no way that we can make any kind of difference in each other’s lives. But I now see that those thoughts are lies. They come from the one who does all that he can to discourage us and make us believe we are not enough and can’t be used by God because of our inadequacies. But God is so much bigger than those things and instead He chooses to use unlikely circumstances to connect us. He works through those connections and allows us to impact each other in ways we don’t even understand. 

Our first day in this village was spent visiting the families who live in houses that CALMS built previously. Each family we visited greeted us with smiles on their  faces, eager to invite us into their homes. They graciously welcomed us in with open arms and were excited to see those they recognized from past trips. I was especially pumped because we were able to visit my friends, Jenny, Roberto, and their 2 year old son, Fabio. St. Marks built their house on my first trip here last year in March. This is my 3rd time visiting their house since, and each time I see that they have added some other new home improvement. They take such pride in their home and have done an amazing job with what they started with. They plastered their walls outside making them smooth, painted them, added a beautiful garden in front, and are now tiling their entire bathroom. Even though it was early in the day and we just popped up unexpectedly, Jenny welcomed us in cheerfully. I loved being able to catch up with them and be entertained by little Fabio. They told me they’re hoping to come up to the school and visit me soon which I would just love. 

Relationships were also formed through the time spent with Ana and her family, the family that the group was building for this week. The smallest acts of love and kindness can make a big difference and through those, a friendship was created with them. She cried as she thanked us for the house and told us that we were welcome there anytime, that the doors would always be open for us.

 During VBS the last day, I was surprised to see the entire family we had built for in March. I wasn’t sure if they’d remember me but as soon as the mom saw me, she gave me a huge hug. As we started chatting, it felt like no time at all had passed. 

It was incredible to see the lasting impact made between those of us returning after visiting this village in the past and the children who come to VBS. They remember us and I was flooded with hugs, pictures, smiles, and laughter from my little friends that I had made on previous trips. During my first weeklong trip here, VBS was my favorite part. I loved hanging out with the kids and getting to love on them through playing games, helping with a craft, or reading a bible story. Sure I had made a bunch of little buddies that I loved and hoped would get something out of our time together but did I truly realize how God may use that to affect them? No, definitely not. But this time around, as Cassie and I hugged one of our middle school girls goodbye, she hugged us more tightly and as she looked up to tell us she loved us, we noticed tears in her eyes. Once again I was shown that God is bigger than I give Him credit for and is always up to something. Through our simple, silly conversations with these girls, it’s clear He is doing bigger things than we know. You never know how the smallest act of kindness may influence someone or how God may use that to plant a seed. Maybe a smile and hug was just what the child needed because their parents are never home and they don’t get that affection often. Maybe the small bracelet you give someone makes all the difference because it will serve as a reminder that someone cares about them. Maybe a simple prayer was just the encouragement someone needed to go on. We just never know how God will chose to use our willing hearts but we need to trust that somehow He will.

The hospitality, joy, and love shown by the people in La Fragua is amazing and I thank God that He has shown me himself through these relationships. I’ve been given a more vivid picture of his love that I can actually grasp. Through this, it becomes evident that He is living and actively working through others. My friends here are teaching me how to genuinely love others through actions and I believe that that is one of the main reasons God placed me here this summer. They love with their entire selves; the way they greet us with excitement, a “Mi Amor!” a huge hug, and a kiss on the cheek, the way they go out of their way to give us words of encouragement, the way they invite us into their homes and lives, even though we may not have much to add to the conversation, and the way that they prepare food and drinks for us, making us feel right at home though they may not have a ton of extra to spare. I’ve grown up hearing about how others can see God working through you but now that has taken on a whole new meaning for me and I actually get it. God has created beautiful people in La Fragua and has inspired me to live out His love through being a recipient of their love. I am so blessed by my friendships here.

Does it make sense to pray for guidance about the future if we are not obeying in the thing that lies before us today? How many momentous events in Scripture depended on one person's seemingly small act of obedience! Rest assured: Do what God tells you to do now, and, depend upon it, you will be shown what to do next.” –Elisabeth Elliot

 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25